Passion Flower Interpretation  by Deborah Satin Sheets  by Gerrie Together in Division by Helen
Oh by Kirsten Passion & Pain by Terry Crime of Passion by Diane
Passion & Colours by Francoise Lilikoi by Kristin Hot Hot Hot by Karen
Caliente by Brenda Kitty Love by Terri Passion Interrupted by Nikki


Together in Division

by Helen

I am very interested in people who are passionate about things, including those who practice orthodox or fundamental forms of religion. I am fascinated how their beliefs affect every aspect of their life. In this quilt, the black 'sides' represent Israel and Palestine. The red represents both passion and the bloodshed that passion has caused on both sides. The embroidered and foiled Dome of the Mount and Western Wall unites the 'sides' and straddles the division. My blog post sets out more background and construction details.

The Eyes are the Together in Division by Helen
Click quilt to enlarge