Obviously Chocolate by Deborah Chocolate Love by Gerrie Unsuitable Things by Helen
Soft Centre by Kirsten Cacao y canela  by Terry Still Life Without Chocolate by Diane
Love, Chocolate & Patchwork by Francoise The Marquise de Coetlogon by Kristin Cocoa Beans by Karen
Organic Chocolate by Brenda Choco Latte by Terri Chocolate Desire by Nikki

Chocolate Desire

by Nikki

Chocolate -- so sensual! How to capture that. Although I tried, I couldn't get away from brown. Since my fabric stash of brown is absolutely nonexistant, I found all my brown paints and went to work. First, I quilted fabric with a sprial quilting pattern, then painted and finally cut and pieced the piece. The geometric pattern reminded me of a box of chocolates filled with variety.

Chocolate Desire by Nikki
Click to enlarge