Blue Meditation on Balance  by Deborah It Was a Cold Winter's Night  by Gerrie The Eyes are the Stolen by Helen
Hello! It's you again! by Kirsten Mt Hood in Winter by Terry You Know How I Feel by Diane
My tree by Francoise Broken Dishes (Completed) by Kristin Streaming Blue by Karen
A Feeling for Snow by Brenda Stacked Blueware by Terri Reboot by Nikki


by Nikki

Blue and white are so calm and relaxing -- the perfect reprieve in my otherwise crazy, hectic life. I really didn't have a good idea of what I wanted when I started experimenting, but instead just started playing with color. I started by quilting plain white fabric. I then painted them with either dark blues, light to medium blues, or sparkly white. Finally I just started cutting and sewing back together with black thread and a zigzag stitch. I've written more in my blog post.

Reboot by Nikki
Click to enlarge